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2024 Little Flowers Girls' Club Registration


Little Flowers is a faith-based club for girls grades K-5th, which focuses on female saints and the virtues they exemplified. Sprinkled with songs to memorize, scripture verses, meaningful crafts, and interactive lessons, the girls grow in their understanding of how beautiful it is to seek a life of virtue. The goal of the program is to help girls develop into well-rounded young women with strong self-esteem nourished with faith.

The club will meet after school 3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of every month: Sept 19, Oct 24 (moved due to MEA), Nov 21, Dec 19, Jan 16, Feb 20, Mar 20, Apr 24 (moved due to Holy Day), May 15. All girls get a Little Flowers workbook. Young hearts & minds also need physical nourishment, so we will have a rotating snack schedule. Additional parent volunteers are always welcome. Please contact Rachel Heller with any questions or to volunteer (218) 428-5023.

Cost: $45.00/student (girls Grades K-5, unlimited number of students)

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Parent Information

Parents: Are you interested in volunteering?*
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I, Parent/Guardian, grant permission for ( above-named participating child) to participate in the above named activity and I warrant that my child is in good health. In consideration of my child’s participation, I agree to indemnify the school and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from any claims or lawsuits brought against the school /Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis by myself, my child or others, that arises out of any behavior by my child at the event/activity described above. I also agree to pay reasonable attorney’s fees or expenses incurred by the parish/school and the Archdiocese in defense of such a claim/suit.

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