National Faith and Blue Weekend

We used Card My Yard Twin Cities to express our gratitude to law enforcement officers in our community at the Stillwater MN Police Department and Washington County Sheriff's Office, Stillwater MN. We sent donuts, plates and napkins in our school colors to each agency with enough for each employee on staff. Officers received hand-written messages from our students in 1st Grade. Students and parents took photos outside with our "Thank You" signs, which are displayed for everyone to see over National Faith and Blue Weekend! The displays will be up for a stretch of three days at each location. Our friends at Modernistic Printing also donated "St. Croix Catholic School Grateful" signs which are posted along with the Thank You displays. Our school theme for our Marathon Fundraiser includes an expression of gratitude as a reminder of all of the ways we are thankful, both to Jesus Our Lord for his sacrifice for us, and to our law enforcement for their selfless service in our communities each and every day.
St. Croix Catholic School staff and students are GRATEFUL for our local law enforcement officers! 
FandBDonuts with WCSO